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Hey. Know what?

Mo Mabie

As 2015 fast approaches, I thought I’d do a little post about what’s coming up.

Sail is coming along. I’m really happy with how it’s unfolding. Yes, it’s been plotted for some time now, but it isn’t until I start typing it all out, and letting the characters do the speaking, does a story of mine take real shape. When that happens things change. Hell, Anchor changed altogether. That happens. And when those things were working themselves out, I let them.

It’s no secret that Sail is book two in the Wake Series and after that Casey and Blake’s story will wrap up in Anchor, book three. Well, as far as I can see right now it is. It is HE-to the mutha effin-A. I may do something with them in the future, but I have no plans for that right now.

Good news- I have quite a bit written in Anchor.

Bad news- I didn’t get Sail finished by the mark I’d set for myself. I’ve never released a specific date, only saying that I was shooting for sometime in January. So, I don’t feel like I’m letting anyone down other than myself. It’s not going to happen, but I tried. I really have.

I didn’t anticipate that Bait was going to have such a wonderful impact on my life. I thought it would release, it would be cool for about a week. When I say cool I mean my handful of fan-freaking-tastic fans from Fade In would read it, half of them would disown me, and my neighbor would get her copy for her shelf. That’s really what I was expecting and excited about. I would have been happy if it went that way, too.


Then I’d disappear to write and badda-ding, badda-boom*insert Jazz hands* Sail would be finished in December, possible early January, then off to edits by mid-month and release at the end of the month. It didn’t happen like that. It’s not going to happen like that. Which is okay. It is all way better than I could have ever dreamed. Ever. Like ever ever ever ever.


I wasn’t that far off though. Call it a few weeks. Call it a month. It’s coming and you can't stop it. Muah-ha-ha-ha! A release date will be set VERY soon and I can’t wait to share. I’m glad I didn’t set one prematurely, because I’d hate to be letting anyone down for real. I know there are many who are waiting patiently, impatiently and well-armed, if need be. There is no one who wants it on your Kindles and in your beautiful faces more than me. That’s top-shelf ass smoke blowing right there and I wouldn’t just schmooze anyone with mock-flattery like that if I didn’t almost mean it. ;)

As a side note: At this time, I don’t think I’ll be doing a pre-order. They require it loaded for a minimum of a few days first before it goes live and, frankly, when I have a document to upload I’m just going to upload the damn thing. I’m no fool. I don’t want murdered by the Take the Bait ladies.

Also vaguely coming up in early 2015: BIG news that will release on New Year's Day.

And in Mo's Ass Comfort News: I’m getting a new desk chair. I suppose that’s only exciting for me. Oh well.

Here's a naughty clock image. I read somewhere a good post had to have one-an image, not a dirty clock. Still, this is what you get. Lol

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