Over the years, I've found that I thrive with structure. Routine. Organization. And when left to my own devices, without such, I'm a real dumpster fire. In the past, my need to journal or schedule has been filled with many great tools. First, I tried the Erin Condren Custom LifePlanner which I loved. Then the next year I tried the Plum Paper because they were cheaper, but very similar. I liked it too. Last year however, I went with the Create 365 Big Happy Planner—mainly because I could get it through Amazon quickly and I'd run out of time to order a custom planner. Additionally, it was the best price for basically the same thing, minus my name on the front.
I have no problem with any of those three, but this year I think I need something more creative. Something more me. So after some searching for inspiration on Instagram, I've decided to wade into the bullet journal world. That's "BuJo" if you're in the game. lol
What I found most attractive about the process was that I could completely customize it to my life. My job. My style. Whatever. And I wouldn't have to look at blank pages I didn't use it when I sometimes fall off the planner wagon. Those empty weeks, although I was usually busy and just swamped, always look baron and unproductive. With this new style, there won't be much of that because I create the pages when I'm using them.
Plus, with Bujo comes something I can't resist. New. Office. Supplies.

Now, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of great products out there, and I'm sure I'll work my way through a lot of them. But since this is my first soiree into the bujo life, I started with a modest collection.
Most importantly, I needed a journal. There are many different ones out there, but I didn't want to wait and bought one at Hobby Lobby. It was $14, but on sale for 50% off. Score. You can actually get it online for the same price too (at the time of this posting). You can check out my list on the right for other things I'm using. Because really, there's only one worth talking about at length.
Tombow. Fudenosuke. Brush. Pens.
If you like hand lettering, then do yourself a favor and get some. I'm partial to the soft tip, but both the sorf and hard work very well. I got mine from Amazon. A combo pack was less than five dollars. In the future, I really want to add the colorful dual brush pens to my collection.

I've only been doing this for a few weeks, but already I love it. The freedom to create lists and trackers at whim on any page is game-changing. The creativity that it fosters is exactly what I needed. Additionally, it gets me offline. Off my phone. And let's my brain do something creative while I get organized.
If you're gearing up for 2019, and thinking about trying this bujo life, I'd highly recommend checking out a few of this really great journal-ers.
Amanda Rach Lee— Honey, she is the queen of Bujo. From amazing spreads, to her talented doodles and hand-lettering, and Sunday night Insta-story "plan with me" episodes, I cannot say enough about how much she inspired me. I basically flew through all of her tutorials on her YouTube channel and super stalked her IG page. So, so satisfying.
Christi Snow— She's a lovely author friend of mine and I've always loved when she posted pictures of her weekly/daily journal pages. Her style is so different, but so beautiful. She uses a more laid-out planner and other supplies to achieve her "lewk." I'm sure she can answer more on that. If you love what you see on her page let her know!
Boho Berry Tribe— I've just joined the Facebook Group, which I hope will be great for finding new ways to layout my weekly spreads and also I'm kind of excited to just have a place to talk about bujo and ask questions when I ave them.
Lyra Parrish "The Courtney Project"—I've known Lyra/Courtney for a while now (five years, I think) and she never ceases to amaze me. Not only is she an incredible author on her own, but also half of the badass writing duo Kennedy Fox. With all that said, she has a YouTube channel that is so freaking fun, as a writer personally relatable, and helpful! It was only fitting that she too had insight with bullet journaling that really helped me set up mine.

I hope you guys like posts like this. If you do, let me know below. Also, make sure to follow me on social media where I'll be sharing my bujo pictures whenever I have a good one. (The ones in this post are mine! I went with a snowflake theme for December as inspired by many online and AmandaRachLee's December 2017 spread.)
Stay tuned because I believe my January theme is going to be the TV Show FRIENDS and I have never been so excited to organize, schedule, and plan for the fir month of the year and paying homage to one of my favorite shows. Just think about it. Smelly cat. PIVOT! The Lobsters. Central Perk. The couch, the frame, the chick and the duck. UNAGI. I. Can't. Wait.
Let's talk about it. Do you have a theme you want me to try? Do you Bujo? Have product or inspo recommendations? Is it something you think you might like? Ain't got no time for it? I wanna know.